Screen Your Gut & Genes


During the Screen Your Gut & Genes we will work on your health in 3 ways.

First, we are going to use the complementary blood collection with a physician (your primary care physician or one of our partner physicians), see how your health is doing so that you can make adjustments where necessary. Since May 1, 2023 completely renewed with metabolic age!

Would you like to see an example of this? Look here!

We will explore where things are going wrong with you:

  • Hormonal
  • Inflammatory
  • Cardiovascular
  • Nutritional
  • Stress

Fires cost you tons of energy & boycott one:
*Healthy weight
*Energetic life
*Healthy mindset

At Revive Coaching, we work with the principle of MEASURING is KNOWING To that healthier version of yourself.

The results of this complementary blood analysis, Els will fully explain during a consultation and write out a plan of action so that we will optimize the biochemical processes in your body with the aim of more energy, better sleep, less obesity and hormonal complaints.

In addition to your blood, we are also going to have a GUT MICROBIOME test doen want jouw gezondheid start in jouw darmen. Ook deze test word tijdens een 2e consult met Els besproken, gevolgd door een mail met een uitgebreid plan van aanpak.

Ons labo Fidlab lanceert begin mei een volledig herwerkte  microbioomtest. Inclusief aangepast voedingsadvies op basis van jouw darmbacteriën en hun genetica.

Aangezien onze darmbacteriën onnoemelijk veel functies uitoefenen (in check houden van hormonale balans en cholesterolbalans, gewichtsbeheersing, beheersen van chronische ontsteking om er maar een paar te noemen) is het van cruciaal belang dat je spijsvertering optimaal verloopt en je inzicht hebt in de bacteriële samenstelling die jouw darm herbergt.

Your genes are also mapped thanks to our Fagron NutriGen ™ test, is the most complete nutrigenetic test on the market. Discover thanks to the determination of 384 genetic variations:

    • Your genetic causes of obesity
    • Your metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
    • The influence of exercise and sport on your health
    • Your inflammation sensitivity
    • Nutritional intolerances
    • Your detoxification capacity
    • Hormonal causes of health problems

In addition, you will receive several online courses (video material & downloads) which deal with anti-inflammatory foods, stress reduction, fastercise and detox your environment.

Let wel: de bloedanalyse (89€), doktersbezoek (afh van dokter) en Fidlab microbioomtest (€ 189) moeten extra betaald worden aan het labo/dokter.

Are you ready for a real look into your health to finally discover the root cause of your symptoms?

Then our Screen Your Gut & GENES really something for you!

Do you prefer to pay in 3 installments? You can do that via this link. 


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