They went before you...
I am 47y and have been suffering from menopausal symptoms such as minor hot flashes & palpitations and mouth ulcers for a year now. Because I had biological depression several years ago (with heaviness and many panic attacks), also struggled with bowel issues and a skin condition, I was looking for a more holistic approach to my health problems.
Traditional medicine could only help me in part and looked less at the cause and more at symptom relief.
That's how I ended up at Revive and through them I now know that many of my symptoms are also due to a hormonal imbalance (pre-menopause).
Thanks to Revive Proof eating, proper supplementation, and stress reduction, I feel much better and am even phasing out my antidepressants.
Audrey Vanbesien
47 years
With the menopause, on the one hand, complaints that had been going on for a long time (back pain, fatigue, vocal cord problems, dry mouth, poor sleep, etc.) intensified. On the other hand, new problems also developed.
Extension of the back complaints to general muscle pain, joint pains and inflammation of the tendons. At that time I could only take small steps and walk short distances. Also had to stop cycling. Furthermore, I also struggled with loss of concentration, hot flashes and weight gain.
Osteopathy and neural therapy brought some relief, but progress was slow. At that point, in went to reason with Revive Coaching. Strict adherence to ant inflammatory nutrition advice and appropriate supplementation slowly but surely brought the relief I had long been seeking.
Now I can get back on the racing bike and do walks of up to 20km.
Cathy De Graeve
First of all eternal gratitude to Els& Isa! Without them I would not be where I am today in all areas of my life. Real life savers.
I had different complaints like being overweight, insulin resistance, leaky gut, sweating at night, hormonal headaches and a lot of stress.
The blood results allowed me to take the right supplements. By doing a lot of yoga and strength training, I can keep the symptoms under control. I try to eat Revive proof as much as possible and limit sugars.
Finally I feel the peace coming back into my body.
Thanks to the good follow-up of Els with the right supplements I am on the right track for the coming years and I will fly through the menopause ☺️