Your 2.0 version starts here

Health navigator

I'm Els and together with my team, our mission is to guide ambitious women and men toward that 2.0 version of itself.

Transformeer je gezondheid binnen 90 dagen met een op maat gemaakt plan dat jou helpt je energieniveau te verdubbelen, mentale scherpte te verbeteren en langdurige vitaliteit te bereiken – op basis van jouw unieke bloedwaarden, DNA en microbioomanalyse.

Are you also ready for your 2.0 version?

Fill our FREE MSQ in and let's take a moment to find out if we can help you get to that healthier version of yourself.

We already appeared in: 

Get control of your own health!

Already more than 1,000 ambitious men & women were allowed to accompany us to a fitter and healthier body.

Do you also dream of:

  • Wake up full of energy.
  • Finally your healthy weight reach.
  • Getting rid of your complaints which you learn to live with in the meantime. 
  • No dips more after noon?
  • A more beautiful and healthier skin?
  • Losing weight Without losing muscle mass?
  • Having less trouble with your menopausal symptoms?
  • More energy all day long?

On the basis of a complementary blood analysis & gut microbiome We are going to optimize the biochemical processes in your body with the goal of more energy, better sleep, less obesity and hormonal complaints.

Welcome to your path to optimal health!

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? 
With us, you can count on expert guidance and personalized health programs tailored specifically to your unique needs.
Our approach is based on in-depth analyses such as blood work, stool analysis and DNA analysis.
To help you get off to a flying start, we offer you for free our ultimate guide to a top fit brain. This manual is packed with tips and insights to improve your mental and physical health.
Discover the benefits of our services and begin your journey to a healthier and happier life today.
Our services are based on scientific insights and personal analysis so that your health is addressed in a tailored way.

Discover us SUPPLY

Health navigator Basic

Thanks to a complementary (=extended) blood analysis, a microbiome test and DNA analysis we discover where your body needs support.

The way to finally identify the cause of your symptoms and give you back your health.

Not sure if this is the right choice for you? Fill free our MSQ in and we will advise you without obligation during an evaluation call

        Health navigator pro

Blood & microbiome testing are basic for us because health is in the gut. Often in addition, the DNA test also revealed a lot of causes.

To put test results into practice, we offer you additional coaching to, so you can see the results implement in your daily life. We understand that you have a busy life, which is why we help you with the creating new routines that perfectly fit your lifestyle.

Are you ready to Get rid of your symptoms for good? Then let's talk about what tests and guidance best fit your situation. Book the free evaluation call.

The face behind
Revive Coaching

meet team revive


Orthomolecular nutritionist practitioner

Hi I'm Els and ever since I was little I wanted to be a lab technician or an author. Eventually I chose something completely different but in 2010 my passion called and I began my quest for in-depth knowledge around the relationship between diet, lifestyle and environment and its impact on our physical and mental well-being.

Every day I am grateful that I get to change the lives of hundreds of people. 

How can we help you?

Complete our free medical questionnaire & book a free, no-obligation evaluation call here