
Screen Your Gut 2.0

Our lab Fidlab is launching a completely reworked microbiome test. Includes customized nutritional advice based on your gut bacteria and their genetics.

Since our gut bacteria perform untold functions (keeping hormonal and cholesterol balance in check, weight management, controlling chronic inflammation to name a few), it is crucial that your digestion is running optimally and you have an understanding of the bacterial composition your gut harbors.

Today, those tools are there, based on scientific studies.

This discussion is ideal for anyone who:

  1. Early health risks wish to detect: Some genetic variants may be associated with an increased risk of certain health problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, skin problems, anxiety disorders.
  2. Support for Chronic Health Problems Wants: For people suffering from chronic health problems, a genetic microbiome test can provide additional information that can help find more effective treatment strategies. These can range from dietary and lifestyle modifications to specific probiotics or other interventions.
  3.  Optimization will of health and well-being: Even for people without specific health conditions, a genetic microbiome test can help optimize overall health and wellness. By understanding your genetic predisposition and microbial composition, you can work proactively to improve your digestive, immune and overall vitality.

However, it is important to remember that a genetic microbiome test is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to health. Combining this information with other diagnostic tests, clinical assessments and lifestyle factors is essential for a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.

Sign up today!

A 1:1 discussion, reporting on the results of your microbiome analysis!

Note: this does not include the cost of the microbiome test itself (189 euros)


Original price was: €199,00.Current price is: €150,00.

For whom

This discussion is ideal for anyone who:

  1. Early health risks wish to detect: Some genetic variants may be associated with an increased risk of certain health problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, skin problems, anxiety disorders.
  2. Support for Chronic Health Problems Wants: For people suffering from chronic health problems, a genetic microbiome test can provide additional information that can help find more effective treatment strategies. These can range from dietary and lifestyle modifications to specific probiotics or other interventions.
  3.  Optimization will of health and well-being: Even for people without specific health conditions, a genetic microbiome test can help optimize overall health and wellness. By understanding your genetic predisposition and microbial composition, you can work proactively to improve your digestive, immune and overall vitality.

However, it is important to remember that a genetic microbiome test is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to health. Combining this information with other diagnostic tests, clinical assessments and lifestyle factors is essential for a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.